2024-2025 Performances
Wednesday, October 24th at 7:30pm
Moore Hall Auditorium of UNC-Pembroke
Pembroke, NC
Catchfire Collective presents "Iridescent"
- Syrse, Rojo en Azul Volatil
- Daughtrey, Azul
- Purrington, Tourmaline (world premiere)
- Swanson, Dark Jewel Tones Op. 15
- Freeman, Blueshift
Thursday, October 24th at 7:30pm
Ambleside Gallery
Greensboro, NC
Catchfire Collective Presents "Iridescent"
Saturday, November 16th at 7:30pm
Atrium of John Paul II Student Center, Benedictine College
Atchison, KS
Faculty solo recital
- Thomas, Incantation
- Bach, Cello Suite no. 4 in E-flat
- Britten, Third Suite for Cello Op. 87
Sunday, November 24th at 7:30pm
O'Malley-McAllister Auditorium, Benedictine College
Atchison, KS
Peter Conducts the Benedictine College/Atchison Community Orchestra
- Hovhaness, Alleluia and Fugue for strings Op. 40b
- Prokofiev, A Summer Day Suite Op. 65b
- Dvorak, Two Waltzes from Op. 54
- Schumann, Overture, Scherzo, and Finale Op. 52
Monday, December 9th at 7:30pm
The Abbey Church at Benedictine College
Atchison, KS
Service of Lessons and Carols at Benedictine College
- "From Mary's Sweet Silence" by Timothy Tharaldson (World Premiere)
Saturday, January 25th
Recording Session with Catchfire Collective
North Carolina
Friday, February 7th, 12:00pm
Guest Artist for Noontime Recital Series
New St. Andrew's College
Moscow, ID
- Thomas, "Incantation" for cello (1995)
Saturday, February 8th, 10:10 and 11:10am
Festival of Contemporary Artists and Musicians
Washington State University, Pullman WA
- Kinney, "September Red" for solo cello
- Swanson, "Dissect Me" Op. 27 for cello (World Premiere)
Wednesday, Feburary 26th, 4:00pm
Westerman Auditorium of Benedictine College
Atchison, KS
- Faculty Colloquium Presentation
"Bach and Reger: A hidden Link the in World of Cello"
Thursday, April 3rd, 7:00pm
Unity Presbyterian Church
Fort Mill, SC
Duo 336 Spring Tour
- Suk, Ballade and Serenade Op. 3
- MacMillan, Cello Sonata no. 1
- Muhly, Overture Study for cello
- Barber, Cello Sonata Op. 6
Friday, April 4th, 6:30pm
Lancaster County Cultural Arts Center
Lancaster, SC
Duo 336 Spring Tour Program
Friday, April 11th, 7:00pm
O'Malley-McAllister Auditorium of Benedictine College
Atchison, KS
With Harrison Scheckler, piano; Caroline Beckman, violin; students of
Benedictine College
- MacMillan, in angustii...II for cello
- Swanson, Sonata Movement Op. 24 (world premiere)
- Swanson, Pallindrome of Loss Op. 29 (world Premiere)
- Swanson, De Ave Pheonice for violin and cello Op. 28 (World Premiere)
- Hagen, Prologue to Amass